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Why Data Center Colocation is the Answer to Explosive Data Growth

Why Data Center Colocation is the Answer to Explosive Data Growth

Many organizations are experiencing exponential data growth. One emerging solution to this issue is colocation. Yet, some struggle to find the best data center providers for colocation. Read our best practices to help you determine your criteria for data center providers for colocation.

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BraveIT Session Highlight: What to Do Before (and After) A Data Breach

BraveIT Session Highlight: What to Do Before (and After) A Data Breach

Data breaches are an unfortunate fact of life that impact business large and small in our digital age. This month’s BraveIT 2018 highlight is on creating an incident response plan that will prepare your organization to effectively navigate the aftermath of a data breach.

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4 Ways Data Center Automation Can Help You Overcome Your IT Skills Gap

4 Ways Data Center Automation Can Help You Overcome Your IT Skills Gap

An agile IT department can be a tremendous competitive advantage, but many organizations are having a hard time finding, hiring and retaining IT staff with the necessary skills and expertise. In this post, we cover four ways data center automation can help you overcome the IT skills gap.

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