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10 Steps to Write a Better Disaster Recovery Plan

10 Steps to Write a Better Disaster Recovery Plan

Threats to organizational data and applications are growing rapidly and are evolving. As these threats grow, businesses need to adapt and learn how to best update their Disaster Recovery plans. This blog offers 10 ways to improve disaster preparedness.

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Turn Compliance into a Competitive Advantage in 2019

IT Compliance & Security Planning Takes Center Stage for Healthcare

IDC predicts a “digital deluge” of data in 2019. Organizations are collecting more customer data and it’s leading to more stringent security regulations. This is also driving the emergence of compliance as a competitive differentiator.

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Ready or Not – GDPR is Here

Ready or Not – GDPR is Here

The European Union will soon enforce the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a set of rules governing and protecting customer data. A guide for TierPoint customers.

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