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Latency Takes Center Stage in Healthcare Cloud Discussions

Latency Takes Center Stage in Healthcare Cloud Discussions

Forrester predicts that virtual care, AI (artificial intelligence), and new CX (customer satisfaction) metrics will become high priorities for healthcare IT execs in 2019. If these predictions come to pass, addressing network latency issues will need to be prioritized as well.

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Next-Gen Firewalls Provide Advanced Cybersecurity Protection

Next-Gen Firewalls Provide Advanced Cybersecurity Protection

While most companies have some kind of firewall to protect their networks, traditional firewalls no longer provides sufficient protection against new cybersecurity threats. Many IT departments are replacing them with more advanced, next generation firewalls.

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How 5G Will Impact Businesses & Their Customers

How 5G Will Impact Businesses & Their Customers

5G speeds will bring faster speeds to more people. The influx of users will drive businesses to adapt. In the final part of our 5G Q&A series, we discuss how 5G will change customer behavior and how businesses may need to prepare for a mobile-only future.

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The Impact of 5G: Speeds and Deployment

The Impact of 5G: Speeds and Deployment

5G is all about the need for speed, especially in high-traffic, high-density environments. In the second part of our 5G Q&A series, Dominic Romeo, Senior Product Manager at TierPoint, gets technical about the nuts and bolts of 5G and where the greatest impacts will be for end users.

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Preparing the Data Center for a 5G Future

Preparing the Data Center for a 5G Future

With 5G network deployments underway, businesses are now looking at how 5G networks will impact their IT operations. In this blog series, we take a closer look at how 5G networks will impact the data center.

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